Iqondo lobushushu leqondo lokunganyangeki eliphezulu
Ngokuphuhliswa okuqhubekayo kwetekhnoloji yale mihla, ukusetyenziswa kwe-foil ye-foil iye yaya ngakumbi nangakumbi. Namhlanje sibona ubhekise kwishishini lemveli elinjengeebhodi zesekethe, iibhetri, izixhobo ezidibeneyo, kodwa zonxibelelwano oluphezulu, unxibelelwano oluphezulu, i-aerospace kunye namanye amasimi.
I-copper foil ye-vacuum incloud
INDLELA YOKUZIPHATHA YENDALO YOKWENZA ISIQINISEKISO KWI-vacuum kwi-vacum kwi-valuen ukuze uqhawule umntu ophakathi nangaphandle komoya, ukuze kufezekiswe isiphumo sokufakelwa kobushushu kunye nokufakelwa kobushushu. Ngokongeza umaleko wobhedu kwi-vacuum, imisebe ye-thermal incored inokubonakaliswa ngempumelelo ngakumbi, ngaloo ndlela senza intengiso ye-irmal kunye nefuthe elibonakalayo ngokucacileyo kwaye lihlala ixesha elide.
I-foil yobhedu kwiibhodi zesekethe eziprintiweyo (i-PCB)
Iibhodi zesekethe eziprintiweyo (i-PCB) ziye zasetyenziswa ngokubanzi kubomi bemihla ngemihla, kwaye ngokwanda kokuphuculwa kwemihla ngemihla, iibhodi zesekethe zikwindawo yethu yonke ebomini bethu. Kwangelo xesha, njengoko iimfuno zemveliso yombane zingaphezulu nangaphezulu, ukudityaniswa kweebhodi zesekethe kuye kwaba nzima ngakumbi.
I-bowper foil yoshicilelo lobushushu
Ubushushu obushushu bePlethi luhlobo olutsha lobushushu olwenziweyo olwenziwe ngothotho lwamaphepha esinyithi ngemilo ethile edityanisiweyo edityaniswe ngaphezulu kwenye. Itshaneli ecekeceke icekeceke yenziwa phakathi kweeplate ezahlukeneyo, kwaye utshintshiselwano lobushushu lwenziwa kwiipleyiti.
Ngemodyuli yelanga ukuze afezekise ukusebenza amandla kufuneka aqhagamshelwe kwiseli enye ukwenza isekethe, ukufezekisa injongo yokuqokelela intlawulo kwiseli nganye. Njengomntu ophethe imali ehlawulelweyo phakathi kweeseli, umgangatho weteyiphu ye-fotovoltaic swink ichaphazela ngokuthe ngqo ukuthembeka kwesicelo kunye nokuqokelelwa kwemodyuli ye-PV, kwaye inefuthe elikhulu kumandla emodyuli ye-PV.
I-Copper Foil ye-seb yekhephu ephezulu
With the popularization of electrification, cables can be found everywhere in our lives. Due to some special applications, it requires using shielded cable. Intambo ekhuselweyo ithwala intlawulo yombane engaphantsi, inokwenzeka ukuba ivelise i-spark yombane, kwaye iluncedo oluchasene nongenelelo kunye nophando.
I-foreper foil yezahlulo eziphezulu eziphezulu
I-transformer sisixhobo esiguqula i-voltage ye-AC, yangoku kwaye ijonge. Xa i-AC yangoku idluliselwe kwi-coil eyintloko, i-AcMax ye-AcMax ivelisiwe kwi-core (okanye i-goretic core), enokubangela i-voltage (okanye ikhoyo yangoku) ukuba ibanjiwe kwi-coil yesibini.
I-copper foil ye-swink swink
Heat sink is a device to dissipate heat to the heat-prone electronic components in electrical appliances, mostly made of copper, brass or bronze in the form of plate, sheet, multi-piece, etc., such as the CPU central processing unit in the computer to use a large heat sink, the power supply tube, line tube in the TV, amplifier tube in the amplifier are to use heat sink.
I-Copper Foil yaseGraine
Igraphene yinto entsha apho ii-atom ze-carbon zixhunyiwe yi-SPO HyRIDIYAYELWA AMANQAKU AQHUTYELWE KUTSHINTSHO SOKUQHUTYELWA KWAMANQAKU OKUTHENDAYO. Ngombane obalaseleyo, wombane, kunye noomatshini, isithambiso sithembisa isithembiso esibalulekileyo kwizixhobo zenzululwazi, ezincinci kunye ne-Names, kunye nokuhanjiswa kweziyobisi, kwaye kuthathwa njengezinto zokuguqula kwikamva.
I-copper foil ye-fuse
A fuse is an electrical appliance that breaks the circuit by fusing the fuse with its own heat when the current exceeds a specified value. I-fuse luhlobo loMkhuseli wangoku owenziwe ngokomgaqo wokuba xa kudala ixabisekile ixesha elithile kangangexesha elithile, i-fuse inyibilika, ngaloo ndlela sisasaza isiphaluka.